Please check below for answers to many of the questions folks new and old to Sylvan Beach frequently ask…

Sylvan Beach Resort Company Handbook

The 2024 Sylvan Beach Resort Company Handbook is the most comprehensive resource available to all Association members​, their immediate families​ and guests. It contains the current SBRC Bylaws, Policies, and Rules. The Handbook is your go-to reference for questions about Association management and member conduct. Every member and regular visitor should familiarize themselves with it.

Form Shortcut

How do I rent a cottage?

Whether you are an existing SBRC shareholder looking to rent your cottage or an interested individual looking to rent, you can contact us for potential dates and information.  Click here

Cottage Use w/o An Owner Present (Renters) Application

How do I become a Friend of Sylvan? What are the annual fees?

Sylvan Beach Resort Company welcomes those living in close proximity to become Friends of Sylvan Beach. This membership level allows a family to participate in social and sports activities and access our beautiful Lake Michigan beach. The annual fee for a Friend of Sylvan Beach membership is $600. The Association caps this membership level to 35 households, and returning members have priority.

Friends of Sylvan Privileges & Responsibilities/Application

How do I rent the Wabaningo Club?

The Wabaningo Club is available for events throughout the summer season to shareholders and outside guests. The cost to rent the Wab Club is $200 for Sylvan Shareholders and Associate I and II members. The fee for Friend of Sylvan members is $300, and all other non-Sylvan guests may rent for $600. To check the calendar and to request additional information, contact the Scheduling Chairperson. Click here.

Wabaningo Club & Field Rental Rules & Application

What days are trash pick-ups?

Trash pick-up is on Friday beginning May 30th with additional pick-ups during peak times as posted at the Wabaningo Club and Post Office.  Have your trash out early for the trash collection team.

For 2025, collection begins Friday, May 23  and ends on Friday, October 10.  

Fruitland Township Ecology Station Hours & Prices

How do I obtain a boat slip or change my existing dockage?

Whenever you are looking to add a boat or any watercraft to an existing dock, you should contact the Shoreline Committee. Additionally, if you would like to request dockage or changes to existing dockage, you can contact the Shoreline Chair and print off the necessary application.  Click here

Dock Application Form